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We're Back!

We would like to apologize for our online disappearance! But, we are back on the grind! Due to quite a few personal obligations this summer, we had to prioritize a few things reducing our chances of fielding a team for 2018!

We are continuing with the building of this franchise and will eventually apply to enter 1 of the 2 leagues we have been considering. As we had hoped to be playing in 2018, we are focused on building a solid franchise and not a fly by night organization.

We are definitely aware of multiple teams moving from one league for the other and vise versa. When the time comes and we are ready to apply, we will take all of this under consideration.

**As always we will be transparent in the process of fielding this team and maintain the knowledge and awareness this is due to being accepted into either league**

We are looking forward to bringing Pro Football back to Idaho!


- Horsemen Ownership

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